Getting Started
Way Provider in less than 5 minutes.
Getting Started
Get started by installing the way-provider.
npm install way-provider
What you'll need
- Node.js version 14 or above:
- When installing Node.js, you are recommended to check all checkboxes related to dependencies.
Wrap your webcomponents into the provider
//in script
import 'way-provider'
//in html
Provide a context
Using provider in Vanilla JS
<way-provider context='{"name":"consumer"}'>
Using it in a framework
Tested on Lit and Svelte so far
const context = {
name: "consumer"
<way-provider context={context}>
Consume the provider
Inside the webcomponents you need to declare the props you want to consumer that match consumer keys
Usage in Vanilla JS
import { attachWayContext } from 'way-context';
let name = this.getAttribute('name')
Usage in Lit
import { attachWayContext } from 'way-context';
Usage in Svelte
import { attachWayContext } from 'way-context';
import { get_current_component } from 'svelte/internal';
const thisCmp = get_current_component()
onMount(() => attachWayContext(thisCmp))
This function returns current context
part: string (optional), used to get one property from context
//returns whole context
const context = useWayContext();
//returns just name from context
const name = useWayContext('name');